Dear friends, family and colleagues,

2020 has been an extremely difficult year for all of us. At the North American Sommelier Association even more so. The “hands-on” nature of our educational initiatives, our belief in human contact, networking and live experiences have made our transition to an online format practically impossible. We have always believed that wine must be lived. It brings people together, sharing passion, knowledge and most of all experiences. The intrinsic nature of what we do (classes, events, tastings…) has been hampered by COVID-19 lockdowns, shutdowns and insecurities. This is why we have been “on hold” for all of 2020, patiently waiting for things to return to normal and for us to join each other once again in a classroom. We are developing some initiatives and programs for online education but our classic certification courses cannot be replicated on zoom. Please keep checking back to our website for updates on new endeavors and opportunities. Hopefully, we can all return to normality soon. Until then we are always here to help and to provide support to our members and especially our graduates.

This said, we are excited to share with you one of our many and recent success stories. Sandra Taylor who graduated with us 2 years ago has moved on to very big things ! She has made all of us at NASA extremely proud in becoming the official Sommelier and Wine Director for the LAS VEGAS RAIDERS football team, managing the wine offerings and educational initiatives for the incredible new Allegiant Stadium. SOMM JOURNAL has rightfully dedicated an article to her in their upcoming edition, which we would lvoe to share with you below. Congrats to her and to all our students and friends who have pivoted during these difficult times and kept the flame of passion for fine wine & fine living, brightly burning.

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Somm Journal March_62-63 (dragged) 2.jpg


Dear friends, family and colleagues,

We have just returned to our desks after almost 3 months of lockdown, hence the delay in our communiqué. This period was spent thoughtfully brainstorming ways in which we could not only persevere in our mission of spreading the passion, culture, history and knowledge of wine, but tenaciously pursuing financial survival and operational transformation amidst a year that has presented all of us with much uncertainty. We are all in this together !

Needless to say, we welcome these times as an opportunity to reiterate, confirm & re-establish our ideals and our values. An opportunity to improve and aim even higher. An opportunity to do better.

The heart breaking occurrences of the past month have left us with a strong sense of bitterness towards the lack of widespread values of inclusiveness and embrace within our society as a whole and our very industry in specifics. The worldwide mobilization, efforts, protests and positive endeavors of not just the #BlackLivesMatter movement but of a vast portion of humanity as a whole, have been a huge source of inspiration for all of us. Despite the sorrow and pain of what happened, at the North American Sommelier Association we feel a great sense of pride shining through. A pride that stems from the solid confidence that our ideals and values of inclusiveness and embrace, of equality and community have been proven for over 12 years now in our actions, not merely in our words. In facts, not chatter. As the ancient Romans would say “verbo volant, scripta manent”…words fly, text stays.

Anyone who is, has been, knows or is accustomed to the North American Sommelier Association knows quite well that this school, this organization, this fellowship; was founded and built upon one thing alone…the love & passion for wine, in all its variety, nuances, differences and beauty. Those same core values are part of the very same humanity that created and developed wine throughout thousands of years of history. From its ancient origins in the Middle East, to its development in Southern Europe, to its spread to Central & Eastern Europe…to its breakthrough and pioneering explosion into the new world, across the globe from South Africa to Australia, to our HQ home of California, South America, Mexico and beyond.

Anyone who knows any of us, especially myself, can confirm how we have aways condemned and criticized the “elitism”, “exclusivity”, “snobbery” and “closed-circle” mentality that is rampant across the wine industry in the United States and beyond. We have ALWAYS been, as we were born, an organization with the mission to EMPASSION, to EDUCATE and to EXCITE about wine in its totality. We take pride in how MANY we are…not in how FEW. Our students, Certified Sommeliers of all levels, Specialists & our membership as a whole, have always been and still are of ALL walks of life, cultures, origins, nationalities and yes…ethnicities. Our friendships and collaborations in over a decade of operations have extended across borders of all colors, cultures, politics, flags and geographies, from Asia to South America and more.

In the coming months, as soon as gatherings slowly recommence and venues reopen, which in turn means we can restart our calendar of events, courses, classes and tastings, we will establish new cooperations, explore new avenues of communication and outreach, present scholarships, design new curriculums and keep brainstorming ideas to prove what I have said above even more. To put our money where our mouth is.

We are here to talk wine. To love wine. To learn wine. To enjoy wine. To live wine…and as variable and diverse as wine itself is, so are we. We stand proud as a group in strongly reiterating our values and ideals, where the only “colors” that are a differentiating factor, are those examined in the glass.

We stand united with all of you and with Black Lives Matter to spread the love for our most sacred & beloved beverage…to everyone.

Diego Meraviglia, President


Dear friends, colleagues & industry partners,

first and foremost I truly hope you are all healthy, safe & doing well amidst these difficult times. We are all facing an unprecedented level of uncertainty, concern, financial hardship and personal struggle as we face the dire consequences of the biggest pandemic of our age. Family & friends are of the utmost importance today. Take care of them, but most of all, take care of yourselves.

Like so many of you, the hospitality and beverage industries have been hit incredibly hard. I myself have been furloughed from my primary occupation as of last week and pushing through on unemployment. I apologize for the delay in getting this communication out to everyone, as we struggled to figure out ways that the North American Sommelier Association could pivot and re-invent itself amidst an extremely challenging and changing landscape. The work is far from over.

NASA survives on membership and courses. Memberships are nourished by educational events, networking opportunities and classroom time. The lockdown and closure of all establishments have forced us to interrupt our life-support. We can no longer be conducting classes, courses, events, tastings and all the wonderful engagements that brought all of us together and kept the North American Sommelier Association alive. We now find ourselves in extreme hardship.

I am however confident that we will manage to pivot and balance successfully and will get through this together, with the entire industry. What we will find on the other side is an unknown for all. For the moment, like everyone else is doing, we will take advantage of ZOOM and online platforms to create webinars, meetings, tutoring sessions and we have embarked in a huge mission to convert our courses (with the exception of the Silver-Pin Certified Sommelier course...) to an online version of themselves. This is for us a true shift. We have always stood proud as the only beverage education organization in the United States that conducts complete classroom time and our "hands-on approach" was at the core of our success nationwide through over a decade of operations. We are now forced to change that, at least for the time being.

To face the huge costs of such a transition, I have created a
GOFUNDME campaign to allow those who care about our survival, to donate and assist us in pivoting successfully through these dire times. The funds will all go towards teacher dues, e-platform costs, website maintenance and renewal, book printing and shipping as well as promotional efforts to expand our pool of members and attendees. Any amount, no matter how small, helps.

I have compiled on the most recent newsletter going out, a series of initiatives, engagements and courses that we are now offering online. I am also listing some sources and links to organizations providing aid and support to our industry and to those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Please keep checking our website for any updates or opportunities. I truly feel that amidst the cabin-fever of an extended lockdown and "stay at home" orders, being able to continue nourishing our passion for wine and for our beloved industry, is the absolute way to go in order to maintain sanity.

I send you all the most sincere hugs & the best wishes for you and your families. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patronage and your fidelity.

Once all this is over; a handshake, a hug, a bottle with friends and colleagues...will mean so much more.

Diego Meraviglia
President & Director Of Education

Basic Techniques of Wine Pairing

Basic Techniques of Wine Pairing, by Irina Ponomarenko

In selecting a beverage to go with a meal, a diner is often faced with conflicting advice: recommendations for as simple a dish as a grilled steak range from a smooth Merlot to a tannic Tannat.  Suggestions for pairing chocolate run the gamut from Moscato d’Asti to Cognac.  If still unsure, the diner is instructed to simply select his or her favorite wine.  The majority of servers are still not well-trained in the concepts of pairing - one hopes for a trained floor somm to come to the rescue.

A harmonious pairing consists of finding the right balance between contrasting and complementary elements of food and wine.  The majority of sensations perceived in food require the opposite sensation in the wine, a contrasting pairing.

The WSA/NASA patented food and wine pairing system, used in sommelier curricula taught around the world for over 70 years, establishes the concept of hard and soft qualities in wine - hard being acids, tannins and minerals and soft comprised of sugars, alcohol and poly-alcohol (glycerines). The degree of any of these qualities in evaluating wine will determine food pairing.  We evaluate the foods in another system, which graphs the degree of fattiness, spice, minerals/salts - but still consider hard and soft qualities in the foods.

Then the concept of pairing in contrast OR concordance is revealed. It is a method that sounds unromantic, lacking in sensuality - but the principle helps students stop guessing and start training and trusting their senses.

Take for example sour, salty, spicy or bitter flavors in food; these create a certain aggressiveness on the palate. A smooth wine softens and balances the “hard” profile of such dishes.  

On the other hand,  a tannic wine, or a wine with high acidity and/or minerality accentuates the corresponding flavors in the dish making the combination one-dimensional.  A tannic wine, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Tannat, makes a spicy dish taste even hotter, and a piece of charred grilled meat somewhat bitter.  A softer wine, perhaps a Zinfandel, will dampen the flames and smooth out the bitterness.  Champagne, which is high in acidity and minerality, may emphasize the saltiness and mask the delicate flavors of caviar, while a smooth vodka will showcase them.

Wines with substantial alcohol content and high tannins produce a drying sensation in the mouth.  To balance the combination, we need juicy, succulent food: a beef stew with a Barolo.

Creamy, fatty, or starchy dishes will be dulled by a low-acid wine. To balance the softness of the dish, we need a more “angular” wine.  Acidity, minerality, or effervescence create the perception of removing the fat from the mouth.  Riesling is a great example of a wine high in both acidity and minerality, that goes well with a variety of German dishes rich in both starch and animal fats.

Sweet food requires sweet wine.  A sweet dessert will simply strip a dry wine of its flavors.  
Food and wine should be comparable in body and intensity of flavor.  A full-bodied or aromatic wine will dominate a light dish, and vice versa. For example, Moscato d’Asti is an aromatic but light-bodied wine that can be overwhelmed by the density of white chocolate.  A simple sponge cake is a better pairing.  -end-

Intrigued by this system? Talk to us about our Silver Pin Sommelier Certification, which includes a week-long pod on pairing food with wines.

NASA Presents...WEBINARS !

The North American Sommelier Association will be launching a series of monthly webinars as a benefit for its members. The first series will be accessible even to non-members as a means to showcase the quality of delivery and content that have always characterized our classes.

The 1st webinar on RIOJA wines was successfully completed on MAY 4th 2017. Each webinar will be recorded and archived for continuous access as part of your NASA membership.



Collaboration with VINO DIRECT established

NASA is proud to announce that an official sponsorship collaboration has been established for 2017 with the multi faceted company VINO DIRECT. 


VINO DIRECT is an importer / distributor of fine boutique Italian wines based in Southern California. They are also a developing online retailer as well as an active and innovative 'event planner', organizing wine dinners, seminars, tastings and high quality wine related events.

We look forward to a 2017 rich of events and benefits that will come out of this cooperation.

Los Angeles, class of 2015 graduates a new group of Silver-Pin Somms !

July 9th 2016 saw the graduation ceremony of the Los Angeles class of 2015 of newly "pinned" WSA/NASA Silver-Pin Certified Sommeliers. The ceremony and toast was held at the TERRONI restaurant in downtown LA, private room and featured sponsor Villa Sandi with their top-winning Prosecco di Valdobbiadene Superiore 'Cartizze' "Vigna la rivetta" label. The only prosecco to consistently win 3 glasses Gambero Rosso !

"You have just bought yourself a whole deal of responsibility. Society will now look up to you to educate people on the ancient culture of wine, alcoholic beverages and fine dining, as well as the ancient discipline of the Sommelier. Your well earned pin is just the beginning of a life long journey that starts HERE and NOW." expressed Diego Meraviglia's (NASA Vice President & Director Of Education) opening speech - which was followed by NASA's traditional mingle and festivity.

Class of 2015 presented one of the highest average scores of any Los Angeles class.

The newly Certified Silver-Pin Sommeliers are :

CHERYL CARDEN (Distinction)
LAURA DONADONI (Distinction)
PAOLO CARCIONE (Distinction and "best in class")

We sincerely wish all the best in the future careers and lives of these bright individuals ! Welcome to the family !!


Partnership with Burgundy Wine Board Announced

NASA announces a partnership with Sopexa, the French wine marketing organization, to present Burgundy Seminars in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Chicago this Summer. This marks the third year in a row for this partnership with NASA; previous seminars covered the Médoc region of Bordeaux, and Cognac.

Napa Valley Vintners Association eAuction Open Now

Auction Napa Valley is on through June 5th. Raising $150 million+ since 1981, all proceeds go to help localfamilies in need. Bid here!

See the action live!

Neighbors helping neighbors from American Canyon to Calistoga

  Since 1981, the Napa Valley Vintners has invested more than $150 million in local charitable causes through Auction Napa Valley.
  Funds go to Napa County nonprofit organizations with an emphasis on community health and children’s education - what’s raised here, stays here.
  Some tangible examples of the Auction’s impact on the community:
o More than 100,000 clients of local nonprofits were helped by Auction funding in 2014.
o Every child in Napa County has access to health insurance, thanks to the Community Health Initiative (NVV is the largest private funder of this program in Napa County).
o One in six residents use OLE Health as their primary care provider, the largest recipient of Auction funding and Napa County’s only nonprofit health clinic.
o Nearly 1,500 children and families were helped in the second year of our Napa Valley Early Learning Initiative, established in 2013. NVV has committed up to $5 million in Auction funding to this initiative to help close the academic achievement gap in our community.

The must attend charity food and wine event, for savvy wine lovers worldwide
  2016 is the 36th annual event taking place June 2-5. Tickets go on sale February 1, 2016.
  Auction Napa Valley is The American Wine Classic and is recognized as the world’s most celebrated charity wine event.
  Taking place in the beautiful Napa Valley, the iconic scenery and intimate time spent with vintners in their home sets Auction Napa Valley apart from other charity wine events - it is unlike any other.
  As it has been since the Auction’s inception, Meadowood Napa Valley is the host of Saturday’s Live Auction Celebration; Robert Mondavi Winery is the site for Friday’s Napa Valley Barrel Auction.

A collaborative effort by winery members of the Napa Valley Vintners (NVV) and the community
  More than 80% of the NVV’s 530 member wineries are expected to participate by donating to a lot, hosting a party and/or providing serving wine for the weekend - vintners not only generously donate their wine and hospitality, but many are also successful bidders.
  Napa Valley Vintners are committed to creating quality wines and ensuring stewardship of Napa Valley’s land and community; Auction Napa Valley exemplifies the spirit of cultivating excellence on which the NVV was founded in 1944.
  Nearly 500 local volunteers help with the Auction.
  From restaurants to hotels to transportation companies and more, dozens of local businesses support the Auction annually.

This year’s Auction will celebrate the generations that contribute to the wine community’s long tradition of nurturing health and wellbeing in Napa County
  The 2016 honorary chairs is Agustin F. Huneeus, following in the footsteps of his father, who chaired the event in 1996.
  Napa Valley’s extraordinary wines, evocative scenery, culinary wonders, legendary hospitality and nurturing generosity will delight our guests and sustain our community for years to come.
  95% of Napa Valley’s wineries are family owned and their contributions through Auction Napa Valley support Napa County families in need.

Learn more at – Join the conversation using #ANV16

Mauro Cirilli Interviewed by Eater Drinks Blog

Yesterday's Eater National "Ask a Somm" series featured NASA San Francisco delegate Mauro Cirilli on young Barolo. Mauro is one of the original key members of NASA, and oversees the wine programs at Press Club and Schroeder's.

EATER DRINKS by Kat Odell, August 26, 2015

Welcome to Ask a Somm, a column in which experts from across the country answer questions about wine. Wondering about a bottle? Drop us a line.

Italian-born Mauro Cirilli heads up drinks at San Francisco's Press Club wine lounge and Schroeder’s restaurant, splashing his lists with both local and international juice. In 2011, Cirilli helped found the North American Sommelier Association wine school (linked with The Italian Sommelier Association), and with it he created the first ever "Italian Wine Specialist" certification program. So, it's safe to say this guy knows a few things about Italian vino. Below, Cirilli considers Barolo wine and great young bottles to try.

Q: Is there any good Barolo that doesn't have to be aged for 10 years or more before drinking?

Cirilli: Absolutely, yes! Not all Barolo bottles needs to aged 10 years before opening.

It’s true that Barolo is a wine that needs time to reach balance and complexity, but not all Barolos are the same. This is what makes these wines so fascinating.

It’s true that Barolo is a wine that needs time to reach balance and complexity, but not all Barolos are the same.

To understand and identify different Barolo styles, many aspects need to be considered: vineyard location (village), soils, winemaking and vintages —all of these are going to deeply affect the final product.

The most common way to identify different styles of Barolo is by the location of the vineyards. There are five key sub-zones (villages) that make up 85 percent of all Barolo production. These are La Morra, Barolo, Castiglione Falletto, Serralunga d'Alba and Monforte d'Alba. The soil types divide these regions into two zones: the Central Valley to the east, made up of Tortonian soil (creates more approachable wines with fragrance, softness and elegance); and the Serralunga Valley to the west, consisting of Helvetian soil (generally creates long-lived, powerfully concentrated wines).

Barolos from La Morra are more perfumed and graceful, aromatic and feminine. On the palate these wines are suppler and usually the easiest of all to drink young. This is due to the soil composition in La Morra that has a higher concentration of younger limestone and marl, as compared to the Barolos from villages like Serralunga and Monforte where the older, chalky and heavier soil produces wines with a bigger tannic extraction.

Meanwhile, characteristics of Barolos from Monforte d’Alba are structure and depth of flavor. These Barolos are bold and rich, concentrated and firm. Barolos from vineyards located in Barolo are broader, open, plush and warm, sometimes more feminine, yet with considerable structure and concentration, overall very classic wines. Barolos from Castiglione Falletto have a very rich bouquet, quite aromatic. Ranging from medium-bodied to powerful, with a generous mouthfeel and a strong tannic extraction. Barolos from Serralunga d’Alba are powerful and can age for very long time. These wines are more extracted and more tannic, rich with depth and concentration, usually the most powerful Barolos.

We can add that more modern and international winemaking approaches produce wines ready for early enjoyment. Also, Barolos from slightly warmer regions will be ready sooner compared to more "classic" vintages whose tannins needs more time to integrate into the wine. Look for vintages like 2007, 2009 and 2011.

When enjoying Barolo, don't forget to open the bottle sometime before drinking, let the wine breathe and drink it from a large wine glass.


CONGRATS to the newly graduated Silver-Pin Certified Sommeliers in Los Angeles

July 24th 2015 saw the graduation ceremony of the Los Angeles class of 2014 WSA/NASA Silver-Pin Certified Sommeliers. The ceremony and toast was held at Obicá Century City and featured sponsor Villa Sandi Prosecco DOCG and sparkling rosé wines.

"You have just bought yourself a whole deal of responsibility. Society will now look up to you to educate people on the ancient culture of wine, alcoholic beverages and fine dining, as well as the ancient discipline of the Sommelier. Your well earned pin is just the beginning." expressed Diego Meraviglia's (NASA Vice President & Director Of Education) opening speech - which was followed by NASA's traditional sabrage of a magnum.

The newly Certified Silver-Pin Sommeliers are :


Christian Barion achieved the "Best in Class" award and walking away with a hand made silver tastevin.

The North American Sommelier Association and the WSA (Worldwide Sommelier Association) would like to congratulate these individuals on their brilliant achievement as well as those who did not make it this round.

Congrats to the new Certified Silver-Pin Sommeliers in LA!

NASA would like to send a most heartfelt CONGRATULATIONS !! to the newly Certified Silver-Pin Sommeliers in Los Angeles, class of 2014. We toast to you and the life achievement you have obtained ! Welcome to the family...